Comfort Reads | Vikki Holstein

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Welcome to comfort reads! Winter is finally here, and just as our isolation ends we stepped outside only to realise that—brrrr—it’s cold outside! So step back inside, grab a book and a mug of something warm, and settle back!

Today, we’re joind by RWA member Vikki Holstein. Viki writes romantic suspense that reflects the courage it takes to trust again, and the struggle to forgive ourselves on the journey to finding love, peace, and happiness. Welcome Vikki!

Woman resting with book near fireplace

Vikki’s Favourite Comfort Read

Hmm, my favourite comfort book. How about a comfort author? Or two? I love Karen Rose and Nora Roberts. If I had to chose one from each, it would be Chesapeake Blue from Nora, and Into The Dark by Karen Rose. I love to snuggle up in front of the fire (most likely with a cat or two) and read while it’s raining outside. 

Breaking Storm by Vikki Holstein

About Breaking Storm

Kelsey’s sole purpose in life is to keep four-year-old Pipa safe. Conceived in a violent, drug-induced rampage, Pipa is being hunted by the man responsible. He wants her dead, and no matter how far Kelsey and Pipa run, the brewing storm is never far behind.

Protection lies in Kelsey’s hometown of White Wattle Creek in the form of Ethan, the man who’d always been her safe place. The one she loved. And the one who broke her heart. But she not only has Ethan to face when she returns. The emotional abuse of her past and the truth surrounding Pipa’s existence both rain down on her from the clouds gathering overhead.

When Kelsey finally opens her heart to Ethan, her nightmares tip over into reality, and with Pipa’s future hanging in the balance, Kelsey must find the strength within to fight for their right to happiness … before the storm breaks.

You can buy Breaking Storm here.

Author Vikki Holstein

About Vikki Holstein

Vikki Holstein is the author of Breaking Storm, the first book in her romantic suspense series, White Wattle Creek. A full-time writer, between life’s normal interruptions, she lives in country Victoria with her husband and herd of animals.

Where you can find Vikki online



Twitter: (@VikkiHolstein) 


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