Author Spotlight – Joanne Austen Brown

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Author Joanne Austen Brown

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? 

I think I have always wanted to be one. I loved telling stories and although I was a terrible speller I tried writing them from an early age. Later I found out I was dyslexic and gave up the writing. But when computer took off, I got the bug again. So, I guess you could say I have always known.

What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc)  

The first thing I did was write the historical history of the Legal firm hubby and I owned. But Fiction was calling. It was difficult to write with small kids and the extra work I did with the legal firm. But I kept trying. Then when my first son left home for Uni, I did a Diploma in Romance Writing. When Romance was definitely the way I wanted to go I joined RWA.  That was a long time ago. I practiced and learnt as much as I could.

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus? 

A number of things. The conferences were a great chance to learn and meet like-minded people. The Owl’s program gave you a great chance to hear from others and learn great techniques. But the greatest thing was the buddies you make. People who love and support you whether you’re published or not. Those who are in it for themselves never last long in RWA. We are a unified group.

What is your favourite genre and why? 

I love a murder mystery as well as Romance. After getting heaps of positive rejections, writing murder and mystery with Romance, I went into self-publishing and now have a great following both here in Australia and America.  I love time travel as well and have a strong following in that area too. Also, in straight Regency Romances.

Share a little about your writing process? 

I am full time writing now and try to get 1 or 2 novellas out a year and one novel. I have to be disciplined in when I write, my friends know to leave me alone on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays are devoted to research, promotions, social media and getting book signings organised etc. I love the fact that I can write full time now. I am doing what I love.

Tell us about your book… 

My current book is book three in my time travel, Glenna’s Future. I thought that it would be my last in this series, but I have had many emails from fans who want to hear more about some of the characters. So, I think here may be another 3 in this series to come.

My current work in progress is a labour of love. I am telling true stories of WW2 of events that happened to my mum and dad and their friend, while both worked for the Dutch underground. I am very excited about them. They are all love stories. Two of the stories do not have what you would call happy endings but are brilliant stories and one is one of the greatest love stories I have ever heard.  Can’t wait to get them done.

Glenna’s Future

Glenna has played a crucial role in guiding her brothers toward embracing their fae lineage and assisting them in finding their soulmates. However, she faces the daunting task of alerting her brother Duncan about some mysterious fae activities. To do this, she embarks on a journey to the future and stumbles upon a hidden fae. Who is this enigmatic figure, and what are his intentions toward her brother or Rachael?

Sinclair is inexplicably drawn to the fiery-haired woman who suddenly appears and captures his heart, but he grapples with her reluctance to trust him. What steps can he take to demonstrate that he is a friend rather than a foe?

As events unfold, does Glenna ultimately find her own chance at true love, or do the fae have other plans in store?

Author Bio:

Joanne loves to write, and she loves to travel. She is married to Andrew and lives in Central New South Wales Australia with him and their two cats Arthur and Oscar. (Meet them on Joanne’s webpage) She has two grown sons and four beautiful granddaughters. Her imagination loves to take her on various trips but mainly in the area of the regency romance.

She also loves meeting new people so do drop a line to her on:

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