Renae Black and Emma Mugglestone standing in front of a green backdrop featuring the Romance Writers of Australia logo, holding award certificates. One person is wearing a vibrant pink dress with a textured pattern, while the other is dressed in a green and white patterned outfit. Both are smiling as they pose for the photo, celebrating their achievements. The certificates read "Sapphire Award 2023 – First Place" and "Emerald Award 2023 – First Place," recognising their success in writing competitions.

RWAus Contests; challenge yourself, grow your skills and show off your talents! 

Our contests are not only a wonderful way to showcase your talent but also a chance to receive valuable feedback from experienced judges and industry experts. We coordinate a variety of contests that cater for different experience levels as well as a broad range of romance genres, encouraging all writers to participate and challenge themselves. Read on to discover more about our upcoming contests and submission guidelines to find the right fit for you!