A professional meeting scene featuring a middle-aged woman with short blonde hair and black-rimmed glasses, wearing a light blue blouse. She is speaking passionately, using hand gestures while addressing a group. In the background, a younger woman with long brown hair, wearing a white blouse, listens attentively. The setting is a modern office with wooden tables, documents, and a smartphone visible.

RWAus Governance

At Romance Writers of Australia (RWAus), we are committed to fostering a supportive, professional, and inclusive environment for romance writers at all stages of their careers. Our governance framework ensures transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making in all aspects of our operations.

Our Structure

RWA is a not-for-profit association incorporated in Australia. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected by our members, who oversee the strategic direction, policies, and financial sustainability of the organisation.

RWA is supported by committees and working groups dedicated to key areas such as professional development, competitions, member services, and advocacy for romance writers.

Our Resonsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

  • Strategic Leadership: Setting and reviewing the organisation’s vision, goals, and initiatives to serve our members effectively.
  • Financial Oversight: Managing RWAus's funds responsibly to ensure financial sustainability and continued support for our programs.
  • Policy & Compliance: Ensuring RWAus operates in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Member Engagement: Listening to and acting on member feedback to enhance the value of RWAus's services.
  • Advocacy & Industry Support: Championing romance writers within the broader publishing industry and advocating for fair opportunities.


Our Committee consists of dedicated volunteers from the RWAus membership who bring diverse expertise and a shared passion for romance writing. Directors are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and serve according to the terms outlined in our Constitution.

Board positions include:

  • President – Provides leadership, represents RWA publicly, and ensures the Board functions effectively.
  • Vice President 1 – Supports the President and takes on leadership responsibilities as required.
  • Vice President 2 – Supports the President and takes on leadership responsibilities as required.
  • Treasurer – Oversees financial management and reporting.
  • Secretary – Manages governance documents, meeting records, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Committee Members – Contribute to strategic decision-making and lead various portfolios supporting RWA’s initiatives.

Policies & Procedures

RWA operates under a set of governing documents that outline our rules, responsibilities, and guiding principles:

  • RWA Constitution – The foundational document that governs how RWAus operates, including Board elections, memberships, and decision-making.
  • Code of Conduct – A commitment to ethical and respectful behaviour for all members, volunteers, and industry partners.
  • Privacy Policy – Ensuring the protection of members’ personal information in compliance with Australian privacy laws..

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is held once a year, generally in August, where members review the association’s progress, financial reports, and elect Committee members. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in shaping the future of RWA.

Code of Conduct

You can view our current Code of Conduct here. Please note, a revised and updated version is underway, likely to be released in 2025.

Get Involved

RWAus thrives on member engagement and volunteer contributions. If you are passionate about supporting the romance writing community, consider nominating for a Board or committee role. Your expertise and enthusiasm can help shape the future of romance writing in Australia.

For more information on governance, policies, or volunteering, please contact admin@romanceaustralia.com