Author Spotlight – Amy Hutton

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Author Amy Hutton

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always written, either for fun because it’s something I enjoy, or for work. For many years I ran a blog reviewing movies and TV shows. I also wrote as part of my job as a TV producer, and that was far and away my favourite aspect of the role. I can find enjoyment in writing anything. Emails and memos, scripts about some show I would never usually watch. it all gives me a kick. But it was in 2018 when I decided I might have more than a 30 second script about RPA in me and decided to try to write something longform – i.e. a book. And in doing that, in putting all of my energy into that, I think that’s when I decided I really wanted to write and keep on writing.

What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc)

When I made the move to writing, one of the first things I did was try to find a community. I understand that creativity cannot exist within a vacuum. After years of being part of a creative team, I know creative people need support and comradeship. RWAus was the first organisation that I joined, along with joining the email group for Aspiring authors – one of the most wonderful, embracive spaces. I also joined other writing organisations, including State organisations and the Australian Society of Authors. Then I started doing courses – short form because I was writing and freelancing and didn’t have room for anything beyond that. I did courses and workshops through the RWAus, as well as other writing organisations, across all aspects of craft, alongside author branding and working within publishing. Anything I thought might help my authorly education. I became a sponge for information.

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus?

For me it’s the support. There is great value in the courses, competitions and the conference as well. But it’s the support of other writers, the networking and community building that has been the most important part of being a member of the RWAus to me.

What is your favourite genre and why?

Romcoms. Romcoms4ever. It’s what I write and mostly what I read. I like to laugh and smile. I like to make other people laugh and smile. I figure the world can be a bit on the grim side, so why to fill it with love and laughter. I adore a bit of com with my rom. I’ll always gravitate to a romcom first.

Share a little about your writing process?

I’m currently writing full-time, so I treat it like any other job. I have an office where I write 99% of the time. I go in there in the morning and do the work, then pack up in the afternoon before dinner. During my writing hours – usually 10ish-5ish – I work on whatever manuscript I’m creating. Sometimes there may be other work that needs to be done around that which I also do during this time. Or edits from my publisher. Whatever is needed. That’s all part of the work too. If I’m working on my latest story idea, I will generally start the morning by having a quick look at what I did the day before and work in any notes or ideas I invariably came up with the previous night. (My phone is chockers with notes.) Then I start on whatever I’m working on that day. I usually write linear – but sometimes I’ll jump out to work on a chapter idea or scene idea I’ve had, so that I can get that down rough and put it aside for later. Social media posts and planning, I usually do in the evening on my laptop. I might spend a little time creating graphics etc. while watching TV so it doesn’t cut into my writing time too much. It’s a juggle for sure! I will admit to writing most days of the week, including the weekend. If I feel I need a day off, I take it (unless I’m under the pump deadline wise.) But I find most days, I want to write. If I happen to have a freelance TV producing gig, that puts a bit of a blocker on things, because I find it very hard to do the producing work all day and back it up with more creative at night. During those times, I’ll just grab hours where I can. But most of the time, you’ll find me in my office playing with my character’s hearts.

Tell us about your current work in progress…

I’ve been working up a couple of ideas that are part of two different series concepts. But I’m now focusing on the one. I have it broken into three individual, but intersecting stories. There may be pets involved. (There are definitely pets involved.) I have the series laid out in blurbs, but not fully planned out because I don’t work like that. I let the magic take me within the framework of the idea and see what ends up on the page. I’m definitely not a planner, but I’m no longer 100% pantser either. Story number one is coming along. I’m having fun, and that’s the most important thing.

And your latest book…

Love from Scratch was released on June 5. It’s an opposites attract, reverse grumpy/sunshine romcom set on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast starring movie star Ethan James, and Hazel Conor, the out-of-work chef who minds his anxious dog, Harry. There’s also a cat called Kevin who has 100% main-character-energy. There’s lots of sunshine and lots of food, so prepare to get hungry. It’s funny and sweet and sexy, with some open-door spice to steam things up.

Love from Scratch is the follow-up to Sit, Stay, Love but it can be read as a standalone story.

Love From Scratch

Love from Scratch by Amy Hutton

Ethan James has a problem: he’s about to start shooting a movie and he needs someone to mind his anxious dog, Harry. This film could make or break Ethan’s career, and he knows he has to give it all his attention, but Harry’s new minder turns out to be more of a hindrance than a help. She’s gorgeous and funny, and throws so much shade in his direction that Ethan can’t think straight.

Hazel Conor has a problem: she’s just lost her job as a sous chef at the fancy beachside restaurant she uphauled her life for. And if she doesn’t get another job soon, she won’t be able to afford food – or worse, cat food, and then her grouchy cat Kevin will finally murder her in her sleep. So when she sees an ad for an easy dog minder job, she goes for it.

Hazel finds everything about Ethan annoying; he’s flashy, flirty, and a total charmer. She probably wouldn’t look at him twice if it wasn’t for her cat. Because Kevin, the cat who hates everyone, is totally smitten with Ethan James. And with each purr, cheek rub and head bump that Kevin bestows on Ethan, Hazel begins to wonder if there’s something her cat can see that she can’t.

Buy on:

Love from Scratch is available wherever you buy your books, eBooks and audiobooks.

Author bio:

Amy Hutton is a writer of contemporary romantic comedies from Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Her romcoms are funny and sweet, heartwarming and a little steamy. They’ll make you laugh and cry, possibly at the same time.

An award-winning Television Producer by trade, Amy walked away from a successful career in network television, to follow her dream of becoming an author. She is a Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of NZ Award Winner and the 2023 runner up in the Romance Writers of Australia Emerald Award. 

Amy belongs to a rescue dog named Buffy. She’s an avid supporter of animal rescue organisations and proudly fosters three Black Rhinos in Africa. She is also an enthusiastic traveller with a passion for Disneyland, adores anything Star Wars, and has a fierce commitment to Hallmark Christmas movies.

Amy’s romcoms Sit, Stay, Love and Love from Scratch are out now, both through Simon & Schuster Australia. You can expect more from Amy in 2025.

Connect on the web:

Amy can be found @amyhuttonauthor on Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Threads.

At Amy Hutton Author on Facebook.

And online at

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