Bring your story into focus: why ‘show don’t tell’ is a layer cake
Presenter: Sandy Vaille
‘Show don’t tell’ is the lynch-pin of great writing. I’m sure you’ve all heard the term, but are you applying it effectively? Delve into the vivid realm of showing, and realise a balance between description and brevity that will captivate readers and not let them go.
This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate writers. During this workshop participants will:
Sandy Vaile is a motorbike-riding daredevil who isn’t content with a story unless there’s a courageous heroine and a dead body. She writes romantic-suspense with attitude, and is published by Crimson Romance.
When she’s not writing fiction, Sandy composes procedures for high-risk industrial processes, judges competitions for Romance Writers of Australia and Romance Writers of America, and runs the Novelist’s Circle critiquing group. She lives amongst the South Australian vineyards and was a chef in a past life, hence the food analogies. You can contact Sandy at:
Course Dates: 27th February - 26th March 2017
Cost: RWA-Member – $30.00 Non RWA-Member – $80.00
*Please note, there is a $0.30 Trybooking fee at checkout.
- Discover when to show, and when it’s okay to tell.
- Identify and banish info dumps.
- Practice infusing the story with details that will engage readers.
- Learn how to build a story in layers and create purposeful scenes.
- Explore how action can tell the story.
About the presenter

Starts: 27th February 2017
Ends: 26th March 2017