Sally Thorne’s Top Tips for Making an Impression at Book Signings.

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Do you want to meet your favourite authors and leave an ever-lasting impression but not sure how to? Well author of ‘The Hating Game,’ Sally Thorne, has shared what makes book signings so special for her.
RWAus is excited to welcome Sally to Trope Actually next month, where she will be signing at Stamford Grand along with Christina Lauren, Morgana Best and Kat T Masen. If you love reading enemies to lovers or office romances, then you’ll love attending this event! A full range of signing authors can be found here.

Author Sally Thorne

Sally shares that book signings are unique events where authors get to experience the impact of their work firsthand. For example, she fondly remembers a signing in Washington, DC, where a lady attended with her newborn baby. The lady had travelled a significant distance, knowing “she’d made so much effort to be there,” made Sally feel as though her work is leaving a positive impact on readers. Locally, she finds herself experiencing similar emotions when aspiring Australian authors approach her with questions on her writing journey. Sally recounts her Australian fans are more willingly to give writing a go, “because they’ve seen that I’m Australian and that I’ve done it, and it seems possible now.” It is these amazing moments that make attending a live, in person event so special for authors.

Over many mixer cocktail events at book signings, Sally’s attention has been caught by people who remind her of her books. Sometimes she might be walking through the crowd and sees “a girl standing, wearing a strawberry dress with a strawberry handbag.” Since strawberries are a motif in ‘The Hating Game,’ without sounding immodest, she wonders if these people are fans of her books. Sally acknowledges writing to be a solitary activity so to find out a real person has received what you’ve created is a real thrill. Her number one tip is to not hold back on the fan girling at this event. Authors love to see their books being well received in the big, wide world!

At many book signings, funny little situations crop up. Although one is ingrained in Sally’s mind. During KissCon in Chicago, Sally was very jet lagged for the entire trip and was making her way into the elevator of her hotel. In the elevator, Sally recalls having a conversation with a group of readers. She remembers their happy and excited energy. At first, she didn’t think they knew who she was, they didn’t pick up on her “alien accent.” When she arrived at her floor, leaving the readers behind, she heard them scream, “was that Sally Thorne?” She had a little laugh when she went back to her room and now considers any conversations with readers to be particularly memorable.

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

I’m about to let you in on Sally’s biggest secret to book signings…

Do you want your favourite author like Sally Thorne or Christina Lauren to remember you after your meeting? Well, Sally has been given lots of little things over the years and loves all the things she receives. For example, one reader cross stitched an obscure reference to one of her books. Another reader took inspiration from Lucy’s sleepy saurus t-shirt and made Sally one for her to wear to bed like how her character does. “Anything that is handmade” is special to Sally but for people attending the signing in August, she suggests writing a small note for authors to read if you feel as though you won’t have enough time or be able to elegantly explain how much they mean to you. Authors cherish these personal touches and often keep them as reminders of their readers’ appreciation. If you feel you might not have enough time to express your feelings in person, a note is a perfect way to convey your admiration and gratitude.

If you are interested in meeting your favourite authors and striking an impression, you can purchase tickets for the Trope Actually book signing here.

Our signing authors are so excited to bring you their latest releases and connect over your favourite stories. Hope to see you there!

For updates on her books, follow Sally Thorne on Instagram.

You can also watch the movie adaption for The Hating Game, here.

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