Author Spotlight – Steffy Smith

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How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

It is something I have always known deep inside. I was an avid reader from a young age and would find myself rewriting scenes and dialogue of how I would prefer the story to read. English (and History) were always my strongest school subjects. Lastly, I have always found communicating much easier in writing then verbally.

What did you do to actively pursue writing?

I joined a writing group called Commit to Paper and engaged In social media to meet likeminded readers and authors. I joined RWAus and ARRA. And lots and lots of research as well as trial and error in all things self-publishing.

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus?

Firstly, I love knowing Australia has this dedicated association to support Aussie romance writers!

What is your favourite genre and why? Historical romance! I have always been fascinated by history – ancient and modern I cannot devour the knowledge quick enough. Reading and writing historical romance allows me to combine my passion of researching era’s (I sometimes get stuck down the rabbit hole where I will spend more time researching then writing, oops) and chasing that happily ever after.

Share a little about your writing process?

As I alluded to above, I get very caught up in the research – which is only of benefit to the stories. I would not say I have a set process with the writing itself, I am pretty chaotic, but it works for me. What I have realised is I am a mood writer – I can go from writing 200 words and a few days later inspiration will strike, and I will get two chapters out without realising. I also use a combination of word, google docs and Atticus.

With my three releases, once I was satisfied with the draft, I get an appraisal and do edits, then I move onto beta readers + more edits then professional editing, proofreading and formatting. I am in control of the writing process the while way throughout and once I have others engaged it helps me stay accountable to a timeline.

Tell us about your current work in progress…

I have many works on the go as I have signed up for a few anthologies BUT the one WIP I am committing to finishing this year is ‘An Earl of Bluebells’, book two in my series ‘An English Garden’.

And your latest book…

Highland Heartbreaker is a 14th century Scottish medieval, the second book in my Highland Heart series. We meet Alex in The Bonniest Lass in Scotland, roguish and laconic, and devastatingly braw. I enjoyed writing his cheeky character and loved developing his character in his own story.

Grace is gentle and has an inner strength she has not yet found. Her character is very special and close to my heart. Portraying her anxiety in a medieval setting was challenging but very rewarding.

Steffy Smith Books – Highland Heartbreaker

Alexander MacNichol, the epitome of a hot-blooded Highland warrior. Loyal to Scotland, lover of women and a merry time. The last thing he expected from his King, Robert the Bruce, was an order to marry a whey-faced English lass from the wrong side of the border.

Lady Grace Worthington, one moment betrothed to an Englishman she fears, and the next, thrust into the arms of a Scottish brute named MacNichol. All the while, battling her own inner demons.

When they come face to face, and skin to skin, they are astounded by their own feelings. Grace’s ever-present nerves start to disappear, and Alex becomes focused solely on the wife thrust upon him.

Yet, life in the Highlands is not at all what Grace expects. When their short-lived happiness and joy is marred by cryptic messages and runes that whisper of evil, Alex and Grace will have to forge something deeper to protect one another from the ultimate betrayal.

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Author bio:

For years I have loved to curl up with a romance novel and escape to a different era of love. Stepping back into the ballroom during the Regency era, swept away on a journey through the Scottish Highlands or whisked off to a majestic castle in medieval England. My own fantasies have danced passionately around in my mind and it is in these novels I can express a story of my own and dreams of another time.

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