Author Spotlight – Sandra Carmel

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Author Sandra Carmel

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

As a teenager, I loved composing angsty poetry and my love for expressing myself through writing pretty much grew from there. As controversial as it might sound, I didn’t connect with English subjects at secondary school. They just seemed rigid, regimented and out-of-touch with current society. I wanted the freedom to write what inspired me. So, I did a Professional Writing and Editing course, then got inspired by a reinvigoration of romance in the media, in movies, and here I am.

What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc)

Joined RWAus, joined Writers Victoria, sought out mentoring, kept writing and writing and writing, and editing and editing and editing, and learning and learning and learning. It’s so important to partake in writing-craft courses and chat to and be linked in with other authors to keep up to date with current trends and how to maximise outcomes.

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus?

Access to great writing-craft information and successful-author insights. RWA is also excellent in terms of providing up-to-date info on the industry and opportunities. They’re a progressive organisation, keen to support universal access for members (I am part of a Disability Equity and Inclusion committee who strive for the best outcomes for members).

What is your favourite genre and why?

Romance! Surprise, surprise LOL. I particularly enjoy friends-to-lovers, sibling’s best friend, second-chance romance, enemies-to-lovers, forced-proximity and forbidden-love tropes. And I prefer reading and writing steamy stories.

What I really love about romance is the happy-ever-after, happy-for-now endings because they make you feel good. These stories provide a wonderful, enjoyable escape, while also delving into character psychology, which I find fascinating. Learning about a range of people’s behaviour also has the side benefit of enhancing empathy.

Share a little about your writing process?

I’m a plantser—part plotter, part pantser. So basically, I utilise a loose outline to give my characters the freedom to express themselves. I usually have a vague plot idea and note it down. Sometimes I imagine a scene or two and I build the story from there. I often picture how characters look and then seek out some pictures for further inspiration. I’m a little old school—I still use Microsoft Word to store my notes and writing docs, and save pictures in associated folders.

Tell us about your current work in progress…

Just finished writing Chase my Heart, book two of the Hearts in Danger series (a forced-proximity, only-one-bed, romantic-suspense story) and am now editing a shared-world story set in fictional San Destino. It’s a multi-author, steamy paranormal-elements project which has been challenging and fun. My story is called Lovebirds, which is the name of a bar my two main characters dream of opening, based on their love and surnames—Raven and Wren—but are kept apart for some time by forces beyond their control.

And your latest book…

Sage Advice: release date – 25th June 2024

The Best-Laid Plans (Oh, Baby collection): Currently available for pre-order, release date – 16th July.

Sage Advice and The Best-Laid Plans

Buy on:

Sage Advice (book 1 of the romantic suspenseseries Hearts in Danger ) –

The Best-Laid Plans (part of the Oh, Baby collection) –

More Books by Sandra:

Steamy paranormal romance (featuring vampires) –

Capture (book 1, The Cure trilogy):

Discover (book 2, The Cure trilogy):

Reckoning (book 3, The Cure trilogy):

Steamy contemporary romance –

Last Hope (book 1, Intertwined Love novella trilogy):

Game for Intimacy (book 2, Intertwined Love novella trilogy):

Dance of Love (book 3, Intertwined Love novella trilogy):

Steamy time-travel romance – 

Natural Awakening

Author bio:

Sandra Carmel is an own-voices bestselling Australian author of racy, flirty and downright-dirty romance novels, novellas, short stories and poetry, who enjoys stimulating herself and others with words. An obsession with Jane Eyre, and her infatuation with Mr Rochester, were key motivators in commencing her romance writing journey. So far, she has taken the scenic route from steamy paranormal to romantic suspense to contemporary, creating provocative stories that delve beneath the surface of desire. She reads and writes a lot, frequently disrupted by her ever-attentive, cheeky cats, and sinfully amorous array of book boyfriends.

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