Author Spotlight – Sandra Carmel

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? As a teenager, I loved composing angsty poetry and my love for expressing myself through writing pretty much grew from there. As controversial as it might sound, I didn’t connect with English subjects at secondary school. They just seemed rigid, regimented and out-of-touch with current society. I wanted the freedom to write what inspired me. So, I did a Professional Writing and Editing course, then got inspired by a reinvigoration of romance in the media, in movies, and here I am. What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining …

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Author Spotlight – Annika Johansson

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? I’ve always loved words and human behaviour and went into copywriting after university – writing mini stories in 30 seconds for television or radio commercials, or 10 seconds for print. Then on the eve of my 40th birthday, something switched in my brain and I knew I was ready to tackle long-from storytelling so I began diving into writing courses to learn the art form of longer storytelling. What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc) I tried to suck up as much craft inspiration as …

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Author Spotlight – Amy Hutton

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? I’ve always written, either for fun because it’s something I enjoy, or for work. For many years I ran a blog reviewing movies and TV shows. I also wrote as part of my job as a TV producer, and that was far and away my favourite aspect of the role. I can find enjoyment in writing anything. Emails and memos, scripts about some show I would never usually watch. it all gives me a kick. But it was in 2018 when I decided I might have more than a 30 …

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Author Spotlight – Joanne Speirs

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? Always a voracious reader, I only started writing after my mum passed away. The couple of years after, I fell into a bit of a dark hole and a friend suggested I ‘write and get the sh*t out of my head’. Seven years later, my debut novel was released with Harlequin. What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc) I had to learn the craft of writing fiction and undertook Manuscript Incubator with Writers SA, where I met Victoria Purman. Victoria introduced me to RWA and …

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Author New Release

In Creative Writing, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Current RWAus Member? Yes Title: Quinn, by design Author: Jennifer Raines Date: 18 June 2024 Publisher: Inkspell Publishing Format: e-book and paperback Blurb: She’s antiques royalty, he’s relentlessly modern Master carpenter NIALL QUINN’s passion is creating bespoke furniture. Everything else comes second until his ex-fiancé ditches him when he gifts another creation to a friend, and he discovers his brother has been carrying his dead father’s debts. Niall’s self-respect demands he pay his share. He’s landed a prestigious exhibition of his work with a top gallery, possible in part because of the support of an antiques dealer who’s been mentor, …

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Author Spotlight – Keighley Bradford

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? I liked guessing what would happen next in stories and was never right. It opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of storytelling, so I began writing and never stopped. What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc). I’ve been writing since I was 13. I joined the local writing club in high school and entered national writing competitions. Once I graduated, I started doing self-paced courses until I started uni, where I studied writing and publishing. During this time, I continued to learn everything I …

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Author Spotlight – Ellen Read

In Creative Writing, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? I have read books all my life. It seemed a natural progression. I had always written short stories and poems. I wrote my first novel at 18 years old and I kept writing books. What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc) I retired and moved from North Queensland to South East Queensland. I found myself with more time to write. What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus? I find there are some many opportunities, for competitions, and engagement. I haven’t …

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Willow Winters ‘Discreet’ Collection: A Bold New Take on Modern Romance Book Covers

In Creative Writing, Publishing Industry by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

By Jer’tarme Williams In need of a sweet small-town romance pick me up? Or maybe your heart is craving a dark mafia romance. Whatever your desires, Willow Winters, has you sorted with her discreet romance book collection. Starting back in 2015, Willow’s mind was racing with story ideas that soon turned into making her a ‘USA Today Bestseller.’ For ‘Between the Lines with Jer’tarme’, very first blog post, I was fortunate enough to chat to Willow about what inspired her discreet collection. After falling in love with CD Reiss’s Midnight collection whose books sported black and grey, simple covers, Willow …

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Author Spotlight – Melanie Milburne

In Creative Writing, Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer? I wanted to be a writer from the age of five. I was fascinated by stories, both reading and writing them. I always got excited when there was a creative writing lesson at school. I never had any trouble thinking of things to write about. And I’m happy to report that even after all these years later, that hasn’t changed.  What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc) I actively pursued writing by writing manuscript after manuscript, then I discovered RWA and joined. I am quite …

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Members New Releases

In Creative Writing, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Some fabulous new releases for Autumn! Title: Marrying Her Outback Enemy Author: Michelle Douglas Date: April 17 Publisher: Harlequin Mills & BoonFormat: ebook Blurb:  “MARRY ME, LINCOLN.” Rose has put everything into running her family’s farm, so she’s furious that her father’s will states she must marry to keep it! All she can do is propose—to anyone. She picks Lincoln—her neighbor, her enemy and the man she once shared a pulse-racing moment of passion with… She offers him a coveted plot of land in return—but she’s still surprised when he says yes to making her his billion-dollar bride! Paragraph from Author about the book:  This is …