Author Spotlight – Amber Jakeman

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Author Amber Jakeman

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always loved reading and writing. Words make magic happen.  I became a journalist and professional communicator but only began writing fiction later in life, relishing the freedom of writing deeper truths, beyond the noisy 24/7 news and publicity cycle.  

What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc)

I attended writers’ conferences, workshops and author talks, took Australian Writers’ Centre and other courses, joined RWAus, downloaded tips generously shared by other writers and joined a critique group with industry professional Bernadette Foley.

Every RWAus conference takes my career further, while friendships with other writers and readers help me grow. Thank you all!

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus?

The Australian romance writing community is tremendously supportive. We know that hearts matter and that love stories bring joy. #gratitude

What is your favourite genre and why?

Romance! What’s not to love about friendship, falling in love and the healing of hearts and hope? #bookjoy

Share a little about your writing process?

My favourite writing time is just before dawn, without interruptions. The sun rises, the world wakes up and I’ll already have a few thousand words in the bag.

After the first draft, I’ll write out the scenes on post-it notes, colour-coded for point of view, to work out which scenes are missing and whether the order can be changed to intensify suspense.

I work all day when editing, to keep the whole work in mind at once, interrogating it. Are chapters or characters missing? Are the chapter openings clear? Is there a cliffhanger at the end of each? 

The second or third draft goes to my husband/hero for his kind assessment. After a few weeks, I’ll attack it again afresh with his comments in mind. A fourth or fifth draft will be sent to other treasured beta readers. I make the changes and corrections each suggests, then send it to more beta readers, rinsing and repeating until the ending makes me cry!

Tell us about your current work in progress…

I’m about to dive into a new series inspired by presentations at the latest RWAus conference. The characters, setting, tropes and a few scenes are taking shape in my mind. Fingers will fly once Sunset Beach is released. It’s a rom-com about a rom-com!

And your latest book…

Sunset Beach by Amber Jakeman

Sunset Beach is the latest in my Escape to the Coast series, which follows the five-book House of Jewels series. It’s just out! The blurb:

An ambitious would-be author, a jaded publisher, and a fabulous
 (unfinished) rom-com …

‘Meet cute’ becomes ‘meet hate’ when Sarah goes all out to pitch her book to a famous publisher at a remote beachside writers’ conference.

Earnest Oscar is a mere stand-in, questioning the industry and his life path.
Disappointed, Sarah’s not so furious she can’t seek his help.

With his PhD about bestsellers, Oscar can spot a fangirl a mile away, but the unforgettable Sarah actually has talent.

When all Sarah’s hopes are dashed, on the sunset beach, Oscar must rescue Sarah’s story – and her belief in love.

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Author bio:

Amber Jakeman writes feel-good fiction – about hearts and hope and the power of love – because your heart matters.

With readers in more than fifty countries, Amber was a journalist, ghost writer and editor before succumbing to her addiction to uplifting endings.

Amber’s heartwarming novels explore serious themes such as sustainability, women’s empowerment, homelessness, addiction and grief, yet with a light touch, an international flavour and positive resolutions.

Writing with gratitude on the lands of the Cammeraygal, Darkinjung and Awabakal people, Amber Jakeman warmly acknowledges Australia’s first storytellers.

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