Author Spotlight – Sandy Barker

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Author Sandy Barker

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always written stories — all through school — and I knew deep down I wanted to be a writer. But I hid that part of myself for decades, and only started writing seriously about 11 years ago. I absolutely love storytelling and what started out as a pastime has now become a profession.

What did you do to actively pursue writing? (Joining RWAus, Mentorship etc)

While I was writing my first book (unfinished), I took a course in Seattle with Jen and Kerry from The Business of Books about how to pitch a novel. It was brilliant. I learnt how to study the market and position myself within it – my genre, style and voice – how to distil my story and my writerly goals into a successful pitch.

And when I queried that book, an agent here in Australia said he liked my writing but told me the story was too convoluted. He suggested I start fresh and write a simple linear story, giving me some detailed and invaluable feedback. I took that on and did exactly what he suggested. That book became my debut, One Summer in Santorini.

Over the years, I have continued to develop and hone my skills – there is always something to more to learn – by taking workshops and classes with RWA (including, a masterclass in plotting with Natasha Lester) and the Australian Writers’ Centre (Building Your Brand).

I also read voraciously and across genres because I learn so much about the craft of writing by being a reader. And I listen to podcasts (including, So You Want to Be a Writer and Australian Booklovers) and read newsletters, blog posts, and articles on the craft of writing, marketing and connecting with readers.

What do you find are the advantages of being part of RWAus?

Community, community, community. Writing is a solo endeavour and it is crucial to have other writers who can support you when it’s tough, champion your successes, and encourage you to keep going when you suffer bouts of imposter syndrome or want to give up.

I have never known such a generous and kind community like romance writers.

What is your favourite genre and why?

[SPOILER]It’s romance – mostly romcoms but I’ve recently fallen in love with Regency romances. Jane Dunne’s books are brilliant fun to read.

I also love WWII and 1960s historical fiction, as well as thrillers and detective series. I read fairly widely, but I’ve never really gotten into fantasy.

Share a little about your writing process?

Once I know the premise and who my main character and love interest are, I write a synopsis (2-3 pages), then consider ‘when’ to bring the reader into the story. If I have a false start – I start the story too soon in the character’s journey or too late – I go back and find the sweet spot.

And once I start the manuscript, I envision what happens in each scene or chapter before I sit down to write it. That makes the process goes more smoothly when I have already envisioned the characters ‘in situ’ and know what they are going to do, say, think and feel. Then it’s a matter of getting that down, allowing for (fun) surprises.

The next time I write, I start by reading what I wrote the last writing session, tweaking as I go. I use the re-read to get back into the cadence of the writing – a creative springboard.

Tell us about your current work in progress…

I’m currently writing a romcom series for Boldwood Books called the Ever After Agency, which is set in a matchmaking agency in London. Aussie gal, Poppy Dean, is the heroine of Book 1 and is the matchmaker in all the other books.

I’ve just finished writing Book 4, which is out this November – a friends-to-lovers story that is set in London and Seattle – and will soon start on Book 5.

And your latest book…

The One That I Want is Book 3 in the Ever After Agency series and is set in the world of magazines. Greta Davies who has been single so long, she’s forgotten what being in love feels like, is assigned a series of articles about modern dating. Poppy steps in to set her up with potential matches, but it may be that the perfect man has been under her nose all along.

The One that I Want by Sandy Barker

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It was released on July 23 in all formats and can be purchased from your favourite booksellers. (Note: Print books will need to be ordered online)

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Author bio:

Sandy is a writer, traveller and hopeful romantic with a lengthy bucket list, and many of her travel adventures have found homes in her novels. She’s also an avid reader, a film buff, a wine lover and a coffee snob.

Sandy met her partner, Ben, while travelling in Greece, and their real-life love story inspired Sandy’s 2019 debut novel One Summer in Santorini, the first in the 5-book Holiday Romance series. She has since published 11 more romcoms, many of them destination romances.

In September 2023, the first book in the Ever After Agency series with Boldwood Books, Match Me If You Can, was published, followed by Shout Out to My Ex and The One That I Want, with Books 4 & 5 to come late 2024 and early 2025.

She is represented by Lina Langlee of The North Literary Agency.

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