Kiss and Tell | Meet Ainslie Paton

In Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Fool Me Forever is the newest contemporary romance from enigmatic Australian author, Ainslie Paton. Full of laugh-out loud moments, a hero named Halsey and a heroine called Lenny, the novel takes a fast-paced ride through the world of professional con artists and leaves you wanting more.

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Ten Simple Ways to Improve Author Emails by Lana Pecherczyk

In Guest Articles by RWA Web Admin

For some reason, a lot of authors are a little bit afraid of email marketing. But I see email as just another format of writing stories for your readers … only with a sales focus in mind. Emails provide a direct link to your readers, and when you have a new release coming out, this is invaluable. No one else controls this list. Not your publisher, not some social media platform, but you! And these days, you can achieve great email marketing at virtually zero cost, making the return on investment the highest out of any e-marketing channel. So what are you waiting for? Here’s …

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Focus on the First Five — A tale of seduction by Samantha Bond

In Guest Articles by RWA Web Admin

If you’re like me, before committing to a book, you’ll open it and read the first page in a store, or download the free excerpt of an ebook, before buying it. That’s also what an agent or publisher does with your manuscript. Needless to say, there’s massive pressure on your first few pages because their job is to hook your reader (be that agent, publisher or eventual everyday reader) and convince them to commit to reading the rest of your story. A reader will not “wait for it to get good. You must wow them now, immediately and right away. …