Cover Crush | April

In Guest Articles, Indie Publishing, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Here we are in April and autumn is upon us. It’s my favourite time of the year with it vibrant colours and exciting prospects, much like our Member’s New Releases. This month we are once again enveloped in epic masterpieces that electrify the imagination. Every month I am astonished by the brilliance we have within our ranks, and again I was not disappointed.

Cover Crush| March

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Another speedy month has driven past and here we are already well into March. I was excited to see our Member’s New Releases and, as always, they did not disappoint. This month we have a feast for the senses. A visual cornucopia of romantic elements that draw the eye and capture the imagination. Nearly every corner of our wide breadth of sub-genres is captured in this month’s new releases, and I won’t deny that the choice for the Cover Crush this month was a hard one.

The Tasting Table| Advice from the heart

In Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

This month felt like the perfect time to revisit sage advice from a cross-section of authors who have already visited us at The Tasting Table. With the recent events surrounding plagiarism, there’s been some insightful blogs from authors such as Nora Roberts and Courtney Milan, who are both affected. There is a total of twenty nine authors identified as being plagiarised so far, including our own Anne Gracie. This causes unrest and worry for other authors, published or not, which is completely understandable.

Cover Crush | February

In Guest Articles, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Another month has come and gone. Can you believe we are already into February? I’ve hardly finished washing the clothes from the holiday period and here I am, sending my baby to Pre-School. As they say, the days are long but the years are fast. This month, after viewing the tempting delights of our Member New Releases, I’d like to focus on the opportunity to embrace new subjects within our genre.

Kiss and Tell | John Purcell

In Guest Articles, Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator4 Comments

Welcome to 2019, and the first Kiss and Tell in our genre diversification series. I’ve loved bringing you interviews with our fabulous romance authors over the last twelve months. Like many of my fellow RWA members, I delight in reading both inside and outside of the romance genre, so I’m excited to shake things up in 2019 and speak with a wide variety of Australian writers.

Simply Writing | NEW YEAR Q&A

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Welcome to 2019! Thanks so much for joining me so soon in the New Year. I hope you’ve had a fab Summer and are ready to face an exciting and productive year of writing. So, last month we looked at what YOU wanted to know, and in this, my first post for 2019, I’d love to continue with more of the same.