Should a romance writer invest in a website?

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Should a romance writer invest in a website?


But not just any website. You want a website that’ll grow with you and your author career, making it one of the most important assets as part of your author platform. Here’s why…

The top 3 reasons for a romance writer to invest in a website:

 1. Basically, your author website is a marketing tool that shows you off to the masses in a noisy digital world.

 2. It gives you credibility by showing the world you mean business! Especially when it comes to attracting publishers, book agents, and the media who may want to interview you, where they’ll generally stalk your website first.

 3. A well-branded website helps you to connect to the right reader who’ll love your books. You don’t want to attract everyone, just those readers that’ll love your story and leave you with a load of glowing five-star reviews.

Lee Child quote: My website has built up a community of readers which is a lot of fun

Did you know that your author website has three main purposes:

1.To make readers aware of who you are as an author. That includes:

  • Author images
  • Various author biographies
  • Where they can find you
  • To contact you directly

2. To help promote book sales:

  • Sharing the links to bookstores (using your affiliate links $$)
  • Or your own online bookstore

3. A place to offer useful information about you and your books. It’s a home base for:

  • Fan club content
  • Author merchandise
  • Your reader magnets to get them to sign up to your author newsletter
  • And news on your next release!

A romance writer’s website only needs 5 primary website pages:

1. the home page

2. the about page

3. the books page

4. the contact page

5. your blog/news page

Each website page needs the same key components:

🔸A header showing off your fabulous author name (because this is the place to brag about your brilliance).

🔸The all-important footer containing the links to your 5 primary pages.

🔸Links where to buy your books or sign up for your author newsletter.

The author’s website has a lot of power, so be sure to use it.

You and your books deserve it.

If you need help, check out this book >>

The Author Platform Series: Your Author Website

Don’t get intimidated by the IT technical jargon, or let procrastination keep you from starting an author website. Let’s reduce your stress levels by reading this book first.

In today’s digital world, first impressions matter. How you want the world to see you is through your author website.

It’s your digital home that plays a big part in your author empire.

So what are you waiting for? Because your readers are waiting for you to connect.

Tap here and binge-read the beautiful basics today >>

🧡🧡🧡included is the BONUS Author Website kit to help you succeed! 

Melissa Rowe’s Author Platform Series

Melissa Rowe helps aspiring authors build their author platforms through her books, courses, and kits. She’s an award-winning blogger, an international bestselling fiction author, and team leader at: THEAUTHORPLATFORM.COM

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