Kiss and Tell | Daniel de Lorne

In Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Globe-trotting author, Daniel de Lorne, takes languages and writing to the next level. Not only is he an author of six romance novels, he also knows Australian sign language, Italian, French and Spanish. A keen traveller, Daniel uses a laptop for most of his writing. He crafts his tales of ruin, romance and redemption in his favourite armchair in the living room of his Perth home, and writes outside under the verandah when the weather is nice. As well as writing gay romance, Daniel’s day job entails many hours at the computer, crafting yet more words on an entirely different …


In Contests by RWA Web AdminLeave a Comment

Romance Writers of Australia Inc is proud to present… The Romantic Book of the Year Awards 2019 RULES and CONDITIONS RWA Inc. reserves the right at any time to reject entries that do not comply with these conditions.  The contest coordinator’s decision in this regard is final. The Ruby Award is for commercially available romance or romantic elements books of 10,000 words or more, first published between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 inclusive. For the purposes of this contest, RWA deems ‘commercially available’ to mean: any work of fiction (or part of) that is (or has been at …

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Appeal to readers with emotive showing and telling

In Creative Writing, Events, Guest Articles, OWLS by Web ContentLeave a Comment

Show don’t tell is yelled from roof tops and preached at literary alters, and yet it remains one of the most problematic maxims for fiction writers around the globe. It’s the telling part that gives us the most trouble because it is inherent in the art of storytelling. So, how can you make sense of the maxim and successfully apply it to your writing? In this article we’re going to explore the importance of avoiding key storytelling pitfalls and change the way you view showing and telling. “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light …

The Upcoming Famous and Fabulous Romance Writers | THE TWELVE TROPES OF CHRISTMAS

In Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator7 Comments

On the first day of Christmas my true love was to be A billionaire with a tech company On the second day of christmas my true love was to be Two enemies, and A billionaire with a tech company On the third day of christmas my true love was to be Three sports jocks Two enemies, and A billionaire with a tech company On the fourth day of christmas my true love was to be Four convenient marriages Three sports jocks Two enemies, and A billionaire with a tech company On the fifth day of christmas my true love was …

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Three Ways Not To Start Your Story

In Creative Writing, Events, OWLS, Uncategorised by Web ContentLeave a Comment

When it comes to writing a book, sometimes it’s easier to look at the things you shouldn’t do than those you should. Here are some common mistakes writers make that you can easily avoid: 1. It was all a dream When you start a story with a dream or a vision or something that doesn’t really happen, it makes the reader confused. What’s real? What’s not? Is the next chapter going to end this way too? When someone chooses to read your book, they’re putting their faith in you as an author. By adding those five evil words (and then …

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Show Don’t Tell is Like a Layer Cake

In Creative Writing, Events, OWLS by Web ContentLeave a Comment

Presented by Sandy Vaile Course Dates: 7 January — 3 February 2019 Cost: RWA Member—$55. Non-RWA Member—$88. Venue: Online – RWA Moodle Platform Booking link: About the course… We’ve all heard this old adage, but applying it often causes confusion, because it’s riddled with contradictions. Both showing and telling are valuable techniques. One creates drama and movement, and the other conveys information succinctly and poetically. Bring your story into focus by finding a balance between action and brevity that will captivate readers. Participants will: • Discover when to show, and when it’s okay to tell. • Identify and banish …

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Start Your Story Right

In Creative Writing, Events, OWLS by Web ContentLeave a Comment

Presented by Lauren Clarke Course Dates: 7 January — 3 February 2019 Cost: RWA Member—$55. Non-RWA Member—$88. Venue: Online – RWA Moodle Platform Booking link: About the course… “Let’s start at the very beginning …” Do you want your first chapters to leap out and grab your reader’s attention, leaving them desperate for more? Make sure your book has the strongest start possible with Start Your Story Right, an online workshop by Lauren Clarke for RWA. Except to learn: • How to create a killer hook • The best way to introduce your characters • Tips to capture reader …

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Social Engineering

In Creative Writing, Events, OWLS by Web ContentLeave a Comment

Presented by Frank M. Ahearn Course Dates: 7 January — 3 February 2019 Cost: RWA Member—$55. Non-RWA Member—$88. Venue: Online – RWA Moodle Platform Booking link: About the course… Social Engineering teaches how characters can extract information from individuals, companies, governments and law enforcement agencies by using the fine art of pretext. Hackers, private investigators, skip tracers, collections agents, repo agents, bail bondsmen, and even stalkers use social engineering to obtain information to further their cause and case. If there is a database with information your character needs, they can extract with a white lie, some black ones too. …

Simply Writing | END OF YEAR Q&A

In Creative Writing by RWA Blog Coordinator8 Comments

Welcome to my last post for 2018! I hope you’ve all had a fab year and the lead-up to our Aussie Summer break finds you happy, well and contented. After a year of wonderful support from my blog readers, I wanted to give something back— hence this post. My plan was to gauge the aspects of writing craft you’d like to build on, and then tailor not only this post, but future posts, to fit your needs. Thank you to everyone who responded, whether it be on the original post, on facebook or by private message and email. I have …