The Tasting Table: Beginning the journey

In Creative Writing, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Welcome to The Tasting Table as we gather with three fabulous authors here to chat about their current journey toward publication. What an exciting and often daunting time it is before our first book is published. No matter what path we follow, the emotions, doubts, highs and lows all creep in. Please join me in welcoming Nancy Cunningham, Heather Hodgson (writing as HM Hodgson), and Nina Campbell (writing as ND Campbell) as they share their experiences, hopes, dreams, and advice.

Kiss and Tell | Fiona Lowe

In Creative Writing, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Victorian writer, Fiona Lowe, has always told stories in her head, but it wasn’t until she was given a Mills and Boon medical romance for her thirtieth birthday that she decided to write a book of her own. Her experience as a midwife, community health nurse and sexual health counsellor provide ongoing inspiration, with Fiona doing most of her writing under the watchful gaze of her ginger feline friend, Pekoe. Her hobbies include tennis, volunteering for Meals on Wheels, coordinating a book group and enjoying live theatre in all its glory – from amateur to fringe through to professional.

The Tasting Table| Advice from the heart

In Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

This month felt like the perfect time to revisit sage advice from a cross-section of authors who have already visited us at The Tasting Table. With the recent events surrounding plagiarism, there’s been some insightful blogs from authors such as Nora Roberts and Courtney Milan, who are both affected. There is a total of twenty nine authors identified as being plagiarised so far, including our own Anne Gracie. This causes unrest and worry for other authors, published or not, which is completely understandable.

Kiss and Tell | John Purcell

In Guest Articles, Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator4 Comments

Welcome to 2019, and the first Kiss and Tell in our genre diversification series. I’ve loved bringing you interviews with our fabulous romance authors over the last twelve months. Like many of my fellow RWA members, I delight in reading both inside and outside of the romance genre, so I’m excited to shake things up in 2019 and speak with a wide variety of Australian writers.

Kiss and Tell | Daniel de Lorne

In Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Globe-trotting author, Daniel de Lorne, takes languages and writing to the next level. Not only is he an author of six romance novels, he also knows Australian sign language, Italian, French and Spanish. A keen traveller, Daniel uses a laptop for most of his writing. He crafts his tales of ruin, romance and redemption in his favourite armchair in the living room of his Perth home, and writes outside under the verandah when the weather is nice. As well as writing gay romance, Daniel’s day job entails many hours at the computer, crafting yet more words on an entirely different …

The Tasting Table | Christmas Romance

In Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Mistletoe, presents, sumptuous food, decorations, snow… or heat. Christmas memories are often wonderful, though sometimes sad or depressing. We want everyone to be happy on this day, yet some aren’t. Which makes for some amazing story ideas! I’ve just finished writing my first Christmas novella, and whilst I wrote, I wondered what prompted others authors to write in this very special sub-genre. So, I invited three fantastic festive writers to join me at the Table… and now hope you will come along as well as we sample Christmas cake, champagne, and some heart-warming stories. Please welcome Susanne Bellamy, Catherine Bilson …

Kiss and Tell | Meet Fleur McDonald

In Interview by RWA Blog Coordinator2 Comments

West Australian author Fleur McDonald has a head full of stories and a heart that gravitates toward social issues. Fleur’s rural romance and women’s fiction novels have sold over 500,000 copies, and she takes her role as an advocate for women just as seriously as her writing. A Western Australian representative for Australian Women in Agriculture, a working member behind the scenes on the National Rural Women’s Coalition and a Rotarian, Fleur is also the founder and chair of a not-for-profit organisation called Breaking the Silence which helps families affected by domestic violence.