Kiss and Tell | Alison Stuart

In Creative Writing, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Set in Victoria in the 1870s, The Postmistress tells the tale of Adelaide Greaves and the life she forges in the gold-mining town of Maiden’s Creek. Having worked hard to create a new identity and future for herself, her son Danny and her maid Netty, Adelaide has little time for friendships, let alone relationships. Her quiet existence is sent into a spin with the arrival of Caleb Hunt, a handsome but battle-weary American still reeling from the civil war. Both have their secrets and independent streaks wider than the Shenandoah River, but before long, romance blossoms in the tinder-dry bush …

Kiss and Tell | Sandra Antonelli

In Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

As well as writing romance, Dr Sandra Antonelli has taken her passion for creative writing to the next level and made it her mission to study the romance genre. Her masters and doctorate both explored older heroines in romance fiction, and as well as writing mature characters into her novels, Sandra continues to research sexism, ageism, and the portrayal of women over the age of 40 as protagonists in romance fiction, genre fiction, in film, and TV. Sandra loves going to the movies by herself and is determined to prove that foxy doesn’t end at forty, and grey hair shouldn’t …

The Tasting Table | Romantic Suspense

In Interview by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Welcome to a genre very close to my heart. Suspense adds a whole new element to a romance, whether there are lives at stake, or a good mystery. Our guests today have a diverse range of favourite authors and I’m quickly adding to my TBR!

Kiss and Tell | Jock Serong

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Award-winning Port Fairy author, Jock Serong writes with a gripping narrative and a pace that urges you to read quicker. Reviewers describe his novels as adventure fiction, crime novels, murder mysteries and political thrillers, and although each release covers a vastly different theme, all four are linked by unexpected plot twists, strong characters and sharp writing. A keen surfer with a background in criminal law, Jock is currently studying his PhD in creative writing, evaluates funding applications from other writers works as a peer assessor for Vic Arts and The Australia Council, and supports local authors through writing workshops and …

The Tasting Table: The First Book

In Interview, Uncategorised by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

What a delight this month to gather around the table with three new authors, each with their first published novel. Publishing my first book was a dream come true, as it is for so many of us. All the hopes, fears, joy, dread, delight, and everything else that comes with it, all wrapped up in a cover with my name on.

Kiss and Tell | Natasha Lester

In Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Natasha Lester’s historical fiction novels are a juxtaposition of glamour and grit, with her April release – the French Photographer – jumping from the Manhattan modelling scene to the trenches of France.