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Master Story Point of View With Sandy Vaile

In Guest Articles, RWA Academy by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Character Experience in Deep Point of View Characters experience the story world through raw visceral and intellectual information that comes at them from other characters and their environment, but how does that translate onto the page? When you’re writing in Limited Third Person Point of View (POV), moving into Deep POV draws readers even closer to the character by removing any trace of the author. This has the benefit of enabling readers to experience the story like the character does, so they can be completely immersed in that world. When something is happening to the character, you only show what …

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Three things I learned while writing… A Home Like Ours

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

Welcome to the RWAs ‘Three Things I Learned’ blog. Author Fiona Lowe is an Australian award winning and best selling author of contemporary fiction. Fiona’s many accolades include a RITA (Romance Writers of America) and a Ruby (our homegrown romantic book of the year award) Fiona’s stories touch on family and relationships and she’s here today to tells us three things she learned from writing her latest novel ‘A Home Like Ours’. Welcome Fiona!

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Kiss and Tell | Léonie Kelsall

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Léonie Kelsall is a chameleon of the fiction world, writing fantasy, steamy contemporary romance, suspense, outback noir, sci-fi and most recently rural romance. Her latest release, The Wattle Seed Inn, was published by Allen & Unwin in paperback, eBook and audio this month. The story follows PR executive Gabrielle as she tackles a major fixer-upper project in South Australia’s countryside. Converting the dilapidated inn into a thriving business is no mean feat and puts her smack-bang in the path of local stonemason, Hayden. As with Léonie’s 2020 novel The Farm at Peppertree Crossing, The Wattle Seed Inn is full of …

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Comfort Reads with D.D. Line

In Guest Articles, Interview, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Here we are smack bang in the middle of winter! Whilst we rug up and snuggle down next to a fire with a warm drink there is only one way to spend the cold days and nights – with a book! Welcome to romantic suspense author D.D. Line. You might be more familiar with D.D.Line as Danielle our wonderful aspiring ambassador (and Lynne Wilding recipient). Welcome to Dannielle and to her sizzling comfort read!

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Comfort Reads with Debbie Johansson

In Guest Articles, Interview, Member New Releases by RWA Blog Coordinator3 Comments

Winter solstice has just passed, and the wind is bitterly cold outside. Not to forget the rain of course! But none of that matters if you’re inside curled up next to the fire, or under a blanket because you’re cosy! Please welcome Debbie Johansson, a romance author who also likes to dabble in paranormal and gothic fiction. Today Debbie shares with us her cosy space and comfort read as well as her two heartwarming Christmas stories (Christmas in the coldest part of the year is always sure to warm our hearts!)

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Lights, camera – Media Savvy! With Tanya Nellestein

In Guest Articles, RWA Academy by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

I’ve watched with admiration and pride at the number of fellow authors who are kicking butt in the independent publishing arena. It’s wonderful to see so many brilliant books finding their way out into the world. Many of you have unlocked the secrets to advertising and have built amazing newsletter audiences. But how many of you have the magic, all-purpose key to book publicity? What’s that, you say? Magic? All-purpose? And the best part, it will cost you as little as nothing to whatever your budget allows. It’s called … (drumroll please!) …  your AUTHOR MEDIA KIT. Media Savvy will …

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Kiss and Tell | Kelly Rimmer

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles, Interview by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

The Warsaw Orphan A veritable feast of heartbreak and history, The Warsaw Orphan takes readers into the Jewish ghettos in 1940s Poland with a story that amplifies the very best, and the gut-wrenching worst, of human nature. Rimmer brings us two very different characters from opposite sides of town, Elzbieta and Roman, both brave, heroic and determined to save their families. With mounting war casualties, children recruited for corpse collection and boat-loads of innocents sent to their deaths, their efforts to aid the rebellion become even more important and unthinkably dangerous. Beautifully written, and as touching as it was confronting, …

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Comfort Reads with Ava January

In Guest Articles, Interview, Member New Releases by RWA Blog CoordinatorLeave a Comment

Can you feel it? Winter is only a fortnight away and the temperature has dropped – if you are living in more temperate areas of the world that is. But if you live in a more tropical setting though, winter is a little different! Cosy is still cosy though! Welcome to historical romance author Ava January who comes from sunny Queensland and today shares with us her version of a cosy winter!