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Writing Book Blurbs That Sell | By Belinda Williams

In Creative Writing, Guest Articles by RWA Blog Coordinator1 Comment

I’ve often heard other writers say how much they dislike writing book blurbs. They say it feels a bit like writing the dreaded synopsis, which involves condensing your story into a few pages—or in the case of a book blurb, a mere two hundred words. To make matters worse, all your hard work in writing a page-turning novel is likely to go unnoticed unless you can convince a potential reader to hit the ‘buy’ button in a few paragraphs or less. Scary stuff! To help you, I’ve put together my top tips for writing your own book blurb based on …

Tips from and Industry Insider | Don’t Understand High Concept? Don’t Worry

In Creative Writing, Publishing Industry by RWA Blog Coordinator2 Comments

Publishing Trends 2019 Some trends become industry standards. Some die the death they deserve. If, like me, you never did understand exactly what was meant by high concept, raise a glass to its death. It seems that publishers have discovered that while high concept initially excites marketing and sales teams and is easy to pitch to booksellers, it doesn’t necessarily lead to a long sales life. According to Sally Kim (GP Putnam’s Sons / Penguin Random House): ‘For a while it seemed everything had to have a high concept to cut through all the noise. … But those that really …

Simply Writing | THE LESS THAN MIGHTY ‘AS’

In Creative Writing by RWA Blog Coordinator26 Comments

I’ve received a lot of requests to do a SIMPLY WRITING post on pacing, and I promise, this is something I’ll definitely address in the future. But as a codicil to that post, I’d like to address an issue that contributes to slower paced writing, something I’ve seen in quite a few WIPs lately—mine included!